QLabel Quality Label for Decoration Products - Carpets and Rugs

Carpets and rugs are an important aspect of creating a gorgeous setting. Handmade carpets and rugs are always sought-after decorative objects with their impressive designs and intricate pattern and color combinations. Their tactile qualities complement any well-appointed interior. If a rug is antique, it is also the most expensive item.

QLabel Quality Label for Decoration Products - Carpets and Rugs

Carpets and rugs are typically a textile floor covering. It has traditionally been made of wool, but in recent years synthetic fibers such as polypropylene, nylon or polyester have been used frequently.

Carpets can be made in any color using differently dyed fibers and have many different patterns and motifs used to decorate the surface. Carpets are used in industrial and commercial establishments such as retail stores and hotels, and in homes.

There is a wide variety of carpets and rugs available today, from cheap, synthetic rugs mass-produced in factories and used in commercial buildings to expensive hand-woven wool rugs used in private homes.

Turkish carpets, whether hand-woven or plain-woven, are among the world's best-known handicrafts. These carpets were always made of wool, sometimes with the addition of cotton and silk. These carpets were also used for decorative purposes such as tent decorations, grain sacks, floor cushions, sofa covers, mattress and cushion covers, and blankets.

Carpets and rugs undergo many tests to allow the affixing of the QLabel quality label. After all, the QLabel label is a proof of the high performance and quality of the product for consumers.

our organization It draws its strength in its work from its experienced staff and advanced technological facilities and is based on the legal regulations in force and the standards developed by domestic and foreign organizations. It also offers QLabel quality label services for carpets and rugs within the scope of decoration products to requesting persons and organizations.

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